To temporarily satisfy my demand for kiddie room eye candy, I recently purchased some new titles to add to my collection. I've blogged before about Milk magazine and I especially love their Deco spreads. You needn't speak french to appreciate their inspiring images. Not quite sure how I missed this but they apparently produce a special interiors inspiration edition once yearly. I'm still kicking myself for missing the first two (sadly out of stock everywhere...) but at least I've got the third! I purchased my copy here. This is really more like a book and it's full of gorgeous and eclectic family spaces from around the world.
I also purchased the missing Jeu de Paumes Children's titles to complete my set, Children's rooms London and Children's rooms Stockholm. As usual these spaces are ever inspiring, I notice new details in their delectable photos every time I flip through them!

Milk Deco No3

Seems the more I get the more I want! but alas ces't la vie! non?
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